Thursday, 1 March 2007

Programming niggles

Wow, so it's been quite a while since I last wrote anything. No matter though, I'll soon catch up again.

In the course of my job at oncampus:uk, I do a bit of Java programming. Recently I stumbled upon a problem which had me totally stumped. No matter how I looked at the problem, I couldn't get the result I wanted from my programming efforts. This killed hours of my time, until I finally came to the conclusion that part of the Java code itself was to blame. A quick Google search confirmed that others had suffered the same fate, but the whole process got me thinking.

How many times have I been saved by other people writing about their troubles on the Internet? Whether it's just a general outline of the problem, or a complete solution, I find that the Internet is a key resource for troubleshooting and it's far better than any programming manual. I'll try to document my problems on this blog in the hope that I can pass on some of this 'good will' to other people with the same problems I end up getting.

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